Thursday, 19 March 2020

Learn about the Chemical Peel Treatment

Chemical peel treatment is a clinical dermatology treatment, that is aimed to get clean and fresh skin. In this treatment, a chemical agent is applied on the skin, and it is removed using cotton balls or wired brush. The chemical absorbs the impurities of the skin, which are removed along with it.

This treatment can be done on any part of the body, but there are certain points that you should understand before going for a chemical peel treatment.
  • You should always seek an expert dermatologist for the treatment.
  • People who have sensitive skin are recommended not to go for this treatment.
  • People with skin conditions are also recommended to avoid this treatment.
  • It is a peeling treatment, which means it can have some after-effects like redness and irritation.
After understanding the points mentioned above now have a look at the types of chemical peel treatment.

Anyone can undergo this treatment, but which type of chemical should be used depends on points like skin type, medical history, and the purpose of the treatment. Generally, chemical peel treatments are of 3 types:
  • Light Peeling- In this type, salicylic acid and cotton balls are used for the process.
  • Medium Peeling- In this type, trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid, and sponge are used for the process.
  • Deep Peeling- In this type, phenol and special brush are used for the process.


Like any other clinical dermatology treatments, this treatment also needs some understanding and considerations. Although this treatment is common and anyone can have it done, it should always be done by an expert.